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Financial or Payment Assistance for Utility Customers

The Department of Public Service does not provide direct financial assistance to consumers. However, there are programs to help consumers who face financial difficulties in establishing, maintaining, and/or restoring utility service.

*Please note this list does not contain all provider programs and discounts. Contact your service provider if you are concerned about a possible increase in your monthly service bill or would like to inquire about a lower cost or discount service plan (if applicable).    

  • Electric & Natural Gas Utility Discounts

Both Green Mountain Power and Vermont Gas offer discounts to qualifying low-income customers. For more information, or to download an application for either program, please see the Energy Assistance | Department for Children and Families

  • State & Community Agencies Providing Financial Assistance

    •  Vermont 211 is the statewide referral agency that provides listings of financial and other assistance agencies by county. Consumers can find out what agencies in their area provide financial help with paying utility bills, or other needs, by calling "211" or by visiting the Vermont 211 website.
    • Community Action Agencies (CAAs) are non-governmental agencies that can provide assistance such as financial help with residential utility bills, if the utility has issued a disconnection notice. If you have received a disconnection notice and need help, contact the CAA nearest to where you live. An interactive map will show you which CAA is closest to you. 
    • The Fuel Assistance program can help consumers pay part of their home heating needs whether they own their home or rent an apartment; pay for heat directly or with the rent; rent a room in someone's home; or live in public, subsidized or Section 8 housing where rent includes the cost of heat.
    • Crisis Fuel can help consumers with heating crises during the winter months, such as running out of fuel (or being close to running out). 
    • Emergency/General Assistance helps individuals and families with basic needs during an emergency, such as temporary housing, utilities, food and personal need items.
    • Emergency Heating System Program provides services to repair primary heating systems experiencing a heating crisis during the winter that involves your home's primary source of heat (e.g., a boiler, fireplace, furnace, heat pump, space heater, or wood-burning/pellet stove).
    • Weatherization Assistance Progam can help improve the energy efficiency, safety, and comfort of your home and save you money on your energy bills.
  • Lifeline Telecommunications Program

Lifeline is the FCC's program to help make communications services more affordable for low-income consumers. Lifeline provides subscribers a discount on qualifying monthly telephone service, broadband Internet service, or bundled voice-broadband packages purchased from participating wireline or wireless providers. The discount helps ensure that low-income consumers can afford 21st-century broadband and the access it provides to jobs, healthcare, and educational resources. For more information, please visit the department's Lifeline Telecommunications Program webpage. To sign up and see further details visit the USAC Lifeline website

  • Lifeline Survivor Benefit Program

Lifeline has announced the Survivor Benefit Program following the Safe Connections Act (SCA) of 2022, which helps survivors of domestic violence, human trafficking, and related crimes get discounted phone, internet, or bundled services through the Lifeline program. Under the SCA, at the request of a survivor, phone companies must separate phone lines linked to family plans where the abuser is on the account.

  • Programs for Consumers with Disabilities

Vermont offers consumers with disabilities several programs to help stay connected to the telephone system. Please see the Resources for People with Disabilities webpage for more information.

  • Heating Fuel (Group Discounts)

There are several fuel-group organizations that help their members save money by purchasing heating fuel in bulk at discounted rates negotiated with commercial fuel dealers. These include (but are not necessarily limited to): Energy Co-op of Vermont, Ruth Clark Fuel Group (802-433-6317), and VHeat Fuel Buying Program (through the Vermont State Employees Credit Union).

  • Retail Prices of Heating Fuels (Current Fuel Prices)

The Department of Public Service (PSD) conducts a regular survey of local heating fuel retailers to collect a sample of unit prices charged to Vermont customers. The Heating Fuel Price Survey (HFPS) is conducted weekly during the heating season, from October to March, and monthly during the April-to-September time frame. Respondents are asked to report unit prices offered for payment plan purchases (i.e., the credit price), as well as any discounted unit prices offered for payment-in-full purchases (i.e., the cash price). Please see the Department Retail Prices of Heating Fuels webpage for more information and resources.