The Vermont Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel (VT NDCAP) will hold its third meeting of 2021 on Monday evening, September 20, 2021 from 6:00 PM to 9:15 PM. This meeting will be conducted primarily as a Microsoft Teams webcast and teleconference. However, in accordance with Vermont Open Meeting Law those wishing to attend this meeting in person can do so at:
Epsilon Spires
Social Engagement Room
190 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301
The Panel will hear a report on low level radioactive waste disposal from Commissioner Peter Bradford of the Texas Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission. (Vermont Yankee radwaste is shipped to the Commission’s facility in Andrews County, TX.) The activities to date of the Panel’s Federal Nuclear Waste Policy Committee will be discussed. Updates from NorthStar and State Agencies on recent Vermont Yankee Decommissioning activities will also be provided.
For more information, including how to participate remotely and the agenda, please view the Press Release regareding the meeting or visit the Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel webpage.