On May 24, 2021, the Public Utility Commission (Commission) issued an order extending the temporary moratorium of natural gas, electric, and traditional landline telephone service* through June 30, 2021. Stating, "...Vermont is continuing to move towards reopening all sectors of the economy, and we may soon be at the point where there is no longer a need for a temporary moratorium."
The Commission also directed the utilities to file with the Commission, by June 15, 2021, information about how they will work with customers to resolve past-due balances after the temporary moratorium ends, and how they will address disconnections of service for nonpayment going forward.
*Water service is presently covered by an involuntary disconnection moratorium that was enacted via Sec. 9 of Act 92 (2020), which will remain in effect for the duration of the state of emergency as declared by the Governor, currently June 15, 2021.