Effective December 1, 2021, consumers who receive a Lifeline benefit just for their landline telephone (voice) service will no longer receive the benefit.
Consumers who live in an area where there is more than one Lifeline provider and have a voice-only Lifeline discount will no longer receive the $5.25 benefit as of December 1, 2021. Those consumers may want to contact their current provider to switch to a qualifying bundle that includes internet service to continue to receive a discount. They may also want to investigate other Lifeline providers, such as wireless providers, to see if they can receive Lifeline service from them.
Effective December 1, 2021, the following Lifeline monthly discounts will apply in census blocks where there is more than one Lifeline provider:
- Broadband (broadband-only service that meets minimum service standards): $9.25
- Bundled voice (voice and broadband service that meets the voice minimum service standards only): $5.25
- Bundled broadband (voice and broadband service that meets the broadband minimum service standards only): $9.25
- Bundled voice and broadband (voice and broadband service that meets both the voice and broadband mininum service standards): $9.25
There is an exemption for census blocks in which there is only one Lifeline provider. Consumers who live in those census blocks will continue to receive a $5.25 monthly voice-only benefit through November 30, 2022.