BEAD Initial Proposal Volume 2:
The BEAD Initial Proposal describes to the federal government Vermont's plans to use $228.9 Million of BEAD (Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment) money available from the federal government. It is broken into two volumes. BEAD Initial Proposal Volume 2 outlines the process Vermont will use to select the Internet Service Providers who will receive BEAD money to build out unserved and underserved addresses and details the requirements these providers must meet to be eligible for funding.
BEAD Initial Proposal Volume 1:
BEAD Initial Proposal Volume 1 includes initial identification of unserved and underserved locations​, definition of community anchor institutions, and proposed pre-challenge process location modifications and challenge process to modify the federal mapping data and make it more relevant to Vermont. It was submitted to the NTIA in September 2023, multiple rounds of curing were received, and the version below represents the cured version that was resubmitted to the NTIA in December 2023.
BEAD Five-Year Action Plan:
The Five-Year Action Plan describes Vermont's broadband goals and priorities and serves as a comprehensive needs assessment that will inform the State's Initial Proposal. It was submitted to the NTIA in August 2023 and has been accepted by both the NTIA and NIST.