The Vermont Department of Public Service is seeking proposals to develop and write a Telecommunications Plan that meets new requirements set forth by Act 79 (2019), an act relating to broadband deployment throughout Vermont, and 30 V.S.A. ยง 202d, as amended by Act 137 (2020), an act relating to COVID-19 funding and assistance for broadband connectivity, housing, and economic relief.
For more information, please see the 10-Year Telecommunications Plan 2021 RFP.
RFP RESPONSES extended : January 8, 2020, 4:00 pm
Clarification: It has come to our attention that paragraph 3.11 in the scope of work and item 10 in the price schedule are duplicates and should be disregarded.
Corey Chase, Telecommunications Infrastructure Specialist
802-498-3029 or 802-828-2342