The Department of Public Service is coordinating with the Vermont Climate Council on additional public meetings in October regarding the Climate Action Plan (CAP). Comments from participants can inform both the CAP, under development by the Vermont Climate Council, and the Comprehensive Energy Plan (CEP) being developed by the PSD. CAP public meetings were also scheduled in September (see the Department's calendar for dates, times and locations).
Please join the Vermont Climate Council by participating in one of the upcoming online public meetings.
October meeting dates and times are as follows:
- Tuesday, October 5, 2021, 6-7:30 pm: Virtual event via Zoom for BIPOC communities
- Wednesday, October 6, 2021, 6-7:30 pm: Virtual event via Zoom
For more information about the meetings, to RSVP, and to attend online, please visit the Department's 2022 Comprehensive Energy Plan webpage or the Vermont Climate Council's Get Involved webpage.