The Department of Public Service has released the final version of the 2022 Comprehensive Energy Plan (CEP) for Vermont’s energy future.
The full 2022 Comprehensive Energy Plan, along with the Executive Summary, Appendices, and the Energy Model used to develop the Plan, can be found on the Department’s 2022 Plan webpage.
The Plan draws on input provided by Vermonters who shared their insights over the past year in public hearings and online events. Vermonters provided direct feedback on the Draft plan issued in November 2021, which helped to shape the final product. “The engagement of Vermonters and Vermont organizations in development of this plan was critical, and really helped policy decision makers address the difficult choices when setting energy policy goals. We look forward to continuing to engage Vermonters as we implement the Plan,” said TJ Poor, Director of Planning at the Department.
The CEP is updated every six years, covers all energy sectors (electric, thermal, and transportation), and sets new goals for each sector. The 2022 update focuses on strategies and options for reducing demand and converting remaining thermal and transportation loads to highly efficient electric technologies, such as heat pumps and electric vehicles. It contains strategies that can facilitate the electric system meeting these increased demands in a manner that encourages increased electrification while ensuring that Vermonters can continue to pay their electric bills. The CEP continues to maintain a role for renewable fuels to lower the carbon content of hard-to-electrify energy service needs.
For more information on the development of about the CEP, please see the 2022 Plan webpage, the Draft 2022 CEP webpage, or the Press Release about the Final 2022 CEP.