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*UPDATE* Request for Proposals to Conduct a Thermal Sector Potential Study

The Public Service Department (PSD) issued a request for proposals (RFP) from a Contractor or team of Contractors to conduct a thermal sector potential study. The results will be used in the implementation of Act 18 (the Affordable Heat Act) which became law on May 11, 2023. The Act established the framework for the Clean Heat Standard (“CHS”), which is intended to achieve proportional greenhouse gas reductions in Vermont’s thermal sector to meet the requirements of the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2020 (“GWSA”).

The primary objective of the potential study is the assessment and quantification of technical and economic potential as well as two types of achievable potential (maximum and program achievable) thermal sector resources. The results will include a comparison of the thermal sector potential to the legal obligations of the Global Warming Solutions Act.  The potential study shall also consider and evaluate market conditions for delivery of clean heat measures within the State, including an assessment of current workforce characteristics and evaluation of anticipated gaps.

For details read the RFP at this link:

Response to Bidder Questions can be found here.

Notice of Intent to Bid is due October 10

Proposals Due October 19