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Resources for People with Disabilities

  • Vermont Telecommunications Relay Service (VTRS)

VVTRS is a free service for all Vermonters, connecting deaf, hard-of hearing, deaf-blind and speech-disabled individuals with telephone, cell phone, and other phone service users. The relay service is available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week by calling "711." VTRS is funded through the Vermont Universal Service Fund. Please see the VTRS website for more information about VTRS.

  • Vermont Equipment Distribution Program (VTEDP)

VTEDP provides free TTYs and other adaptive communications equipment for income-eligible people with disabilities. For more information, or to request an application, call 1-800-639-1522 (voice/TTY) or visit the VTEDP website.

  • Vermont Assistive Technology Program (VATP)

The VATP is Vermont's federal Assistive Technology (AT) Act Program. The AT Act programs operate under the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living. VTAP provides information and hands-on experiences with assistive technology. Visit the VATP's Services for Individuals and Services for Organizations webpages for more information. 

  • Discounts for Deaf Consumers & Consumers with Hearing/Speech Impairments

Deaf, hearing-impaired and speech-impaired consumers who use a TTY or other adaptive communications equipment are eligible for a forty percent discount on in-state voice services, including usage and local and in-state toll charges, and the usage component of optional calling plans. For more information about this discount, contact your local telephone company and/or in-state toll company.

  • Free Directory Assistance for Consumers with Visual Impairments

Blind or visually impaired phone service customers qualify for free in-state directory assistance. This service is available only if your local phone company offers directory assistance. For more information, contact your local telephone company and/or in-state toll company.