On November 8, 2022, the Department of Public Service (Department), published a Draft of the 2023 Consolidated Renewable Energy Standard (“RES”) Model for review pursuant to 30 V.S.A. § 8005b. The Department is currently in the process of gathering input from stakeholders on the model and assumptions used to develop the 10-year projections of the RES impacts. A draft of the model is available on the Department's Renewable Energy Standard Reports webpage.
Alongside with the model, the Department has provided a slide presentation to better explain the purpose and content of the RES model, core inputs/assumptions, and a brief summary of draft results. Interested stakeholders are welcome to review the presentation, the model itself, or both, and the Department welcomes written comments on any and all aspects of this model and assumptions.
The deadline for submitting comments on the Draft 2023 Consolidated RES Model has been extended to Friday, December 2, 2022. Comments can be emailed to adam.jacobs@vermont.gov.