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Funding Opportunities & Projects

This section provides information on the types of funding currently available through the Clean Energy Development Fund and related incentives offered by others. If you would like to look at example feasibility studies / projects or listings of completed projects, please choose from the sub-menu to the left.

January 17, 2025. Round #3 RFP for The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants (EECBG) for Competitive Municipality Sub-Grants 1-17-2025

This is the third funding cycle under the Department of Energy’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program, which aims to assist local governments in enhancing energy efficiency and reducing fossil fuel emissions, particularly in the transportation and building sectors. The initiative focuses on creating a sustainable and equitable energy economy, prioritizing disadvantaged communities, and promoting inclusive workforce opportunities. Municipalities are invited to propose projects that align with these goals, selecting from a range of eligible activities designed to improve local and regional energy strategies.

**Please be aware that this updated Request for Proposals includes new details about the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program. Refer to the text highlighted in blue for the revisions relevant to the Round 3 funding opportunity. See the full 3rd  EECBG RFP Re-Release for revisions and details. 


January 8, 2024. RFP: Sustainable Energy for Schools and Municipalities

This request for proposals (RFP) is intended to provide financial and technical support for the installation and/or repair of clean energy technologies in underserved public schools in communities and municipalities in Vermont to lower their energy costs, decrease harmful air emissions from heating and power sources; and increase the exposure and experience with clean energy technologies in these public buildings. The clean energy measures to be supported via this project will be limited to the following three technologies: solar photovoltaics (PV), advanced wood heating, and cold climate air- or ground-source heat pumps.

Date RFP Issued: Monday, January 08, 2024

Answers to Questions on the RFP received before Tuesday February 3, 2024

Proposals Due on or before 5:00pm: Friday, March 1, 2024


November 02, 2023. Advanced Wood Heating for Schools

In response to the request for proposals from Schools for $2 million in wood heating grants (see 7/31/23 announcement) the Public Service Department received twenty-eight applications requesting over $4.3 million in grant funds.

Of those twenty-eight applications the PSD  requested comprehensive applications from eighteen schools seeking just over $2.8 million in grant funds. On October 31, seventeen schools submitted comprehensive applications requesting over $2.5 million in grants. Those applications are currently under review.


July 10, 2023. Notice of Funding Opportunity for Clean Energy for Schools and Municipalities.


The Public Service Department (PSD) is issuing this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) for Vermont’s public schools and municipalities to access $1.0 million in U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) funds through a congressionally directed spending award originating with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

Grant awards will be made to provide financial and technical support for the installation and/or repair of clean energy technologies in public schools and municipal buildings in underserved and disadvantaged communities in Vermont with the goal of lowering their energy costs, decrease emissions from heating and power sources, and increase the exposure and experience with clean energy technologies in these public buildings.

The clean energy measures supported via this funding opportunity will be limited to the following three technologies:

  1. Solar photovoltaics (PV) systems (up to 15kW AC)
  2. Advanced wood-fueled heating systems
  3. Cold climate air- or ground-source heat pumps

The PSD will be issuing a request for proposals in the summer of 2023 that will provide full details on the program including how schools and municipalities can apply for the funding.



Affordable Community Renewable Energy (ACRE) program

Comments sought by June 21, 2022.

This PDF is a compilation of the responses the Public Service Department (Department) received in reply to the request for information issued regarding the design and implementation of an Community-Scale Renewable Energy Program for Low-income Vermonters.

The Public Service Department released a Request For Information (RFI) regarding the design and implementation of an Affordable Community-Scale Renewable Energy Program (Program). The Program was created by the Vermont General Assembly in Act 74 of the 2021 legislative session. Act 74 appropriates $10 million to the Department of Public Service (Department) for the Program to “support the creation of renewable energy projects for Vermonters with low-income” and stipulates that the Program shall be developed “consistent with the parameters of the Clean Energy Development Fund". Responses to this RFI were due Wednesday August 18, 2021.


Small-Scale Renewable Energy Incentive Program:

There are different incentives in the SSREI Program. The SSREI Program is administered by the Renewable Energy Resource Center (RERC). Detailed information and application forms can be found on the RERC's web site.

1. Advanced Wood Heating Systems

A flat-rate incentive of $3,000 for the installation of an approved pellet boiler or furnace.  For specific information:  or call 877-888-7372

2. Coal Heating Change-out

August 12, 2020. The CEDF is offering Vermont home and business owners additional cash incentives to switch from coal to advanced wood heating. 

A homeowner that changes-out a coal stove or boiler with an eligible pellet stove or central wood heating system can receive up to 50% of the cost (or $6,000, whichever is less) as an incentive from the CEDF, including disposal costs for old coal systems. The added $3,000 cash incentive is in addition to the existing $3,000 available from the CEDF for a pellet boiler/furnace. New pellet heating systems are also eligible for incentives and financing through Efficiency Vermont. Businesses can receive up to $30,000 towards a coal heating system change-out.

To qualify for the additional incentives:

  • The existing coal heater (coal stove, boiler, or furnace) must be installed and functional. The coal heater being removed must be destroyed/recycled.
  • The new advanced wood heating system installed must be eligible for the CEDF pellet boiler/furnace incentive or if it is a wood stove it must be Step Two EPA  certified with a <2.0 GPH emissions rating and an EPA rating of >70% efficient as measured by the Higher Heating Value.

For more information and to apply for this incentive go to:

3. Bulk Pellet Storage Incentives

November, 2023.   The CEDF suspended the incentives for bulk pellet storage bins due to a lack of funds.  If additional funds are secured this incentive could be re-instated.

4. Incentives for Pellet-Fired Sap Evaporators

  • This incentive has ended due to a lack of funds, but if you are a sugar maker interested in a pellet-fired evaporator please contact the CEDF or the RERC as there may be other resources we can point you to.

July 1, 2018 - Advanced Wood Boilers/Furnaces Exempt from Vermont's 6% Sales Tax

Beginning July 1, 2018, sales of advanced wood boilers are exempt from Vermont's 6% Sale and Use Tax. 32 V.S.A. § 9741(52).

This sales tax exemption is scheduled to end on June 30, 2024.

In addition to the CEDF incentives above there are several other wood heating incentives available in Vermont (As of November 2023):

  • Efficiency VT (EVT) has several wood heating incentives:
  • Members/customers of several electric utilities offer incentives for wood & pellet stoves (as well as cold-climate heat pumps). Contact your utility to find out what they are currently offering. 

Vermont Investment Tax Credit

The Vermont Investment Tax Credit, which includes business investments in solar (PV and hot water) systems that are eligible for the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC), is still available to Vermont individual tax payers.  The credit can be claimed by individuals or businesses and is equal to 24% of the Federal ITC claimed (Federal ITC was 26% for 2021 and thus the Vermont ITC is worth 6.24% of the eligible costs of the Vermont-property portion of a renewable energy system).

Vermont Statutory Citation: 32 V.S.A. § 5822 (d)(1)


The Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) for Solar PV and other renewable energy systems are eligible for a 30% tax credit for an installation between 2022-2032. It will decrease to 26% for systems installed in 2033 and to 22% for systems installed in 2034. The tax credit expires starting in 2035 unless Congress renews it.

There is no maximum amount that can be claimed.

The ITC includes residential installations of wood heating systems, (including wood and pellet stoves that are EPA certified) and heat-pumps.

For wood fueled systems  the tax credit is capped at a maximum of $2,000.



The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) invites applications for loan guarantees and grants for Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvement Projects. These loan guarantees and grants are part of USDA’s Rural Energy for America Program (REAP). REAP helps agricultural producers and rural small businesses reduce energy costs and consumption by purchasing and installing renewable energy systems and making energy efficiency improvements in their operations. Eligible systems may derive energy from wind, solar, hydro-electric, ocean, hydrogen, geothermal or renewable biomass (including anaerobic digesters). For more information about the program and how to apply for this funding, please see the Rural Energy for America webpage.