VT NDCAP Meeting
The Vermont Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel (VT NDCAP) will hold its first regular meeting of 2022 on Monday evening, May 9th, from 6:00 PM to 8:35 PM. At this meeting, NorthStar and Vermont State Agencies will provide updates of recent Vermont Yankee (VY) decommissioning activities. The Vermont State Agencies reports will include assessments of NorthStar’s March 31, 2022, required annual status report for the VY Decommissioning Project.
As permitted by ACT 78 of the 2022 Vermont Legislature, this meeting will be conducted solely as a webcast and teleconference via Zoom. No physical location is designated for this meeting.
For more information about the meeting, including how to join remotely, please see the VT NDCAP webpage or the Press Release regarding the meeting.