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VT NDCAP Meeting

Meeting of the full VT Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel (VT NDCAP), or a committee of the VT NDCAP

PSD Announces 5-8-2023 Meeting of VT NDCAP - First Full Panel Meeting For 2023

May 8th Meeting of the Vermont Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel Announced; First Full Panel Meeting for 2023.

Montpelier, VT – The Vermont Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel (VT NDCAP) will hold its first regular meeting of 2023 on Monday evening, May 8th, from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM.  At this meeting, NorthStar and Vermont State Agencies will provide updates of recent Vermont Yankee (VY) decommissioning activities.  The Vermont State Agencies reports will include discussion of NorthStar’s March 31, 2023 required annual status report for the VY Decommissioning Project.  Recent activities of the Panel’s Federal Nuclear Waste Policy Committee will also be discussed.

For more information, including how to join the meeting please see the full press release or visit the VT NDCAP webpage


VT NDCAP Federal Nuclear Waste Policy Committee Meeting

The Federal Nuclear Waste Policy (FNWP) Committee of the Vermont Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel (VT NDCAP) will hold its first meeting of 2023 on Monday, March 6, 2023, from 12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM.  As permitted by Act 1 of the 2023 Vermont Legislature, this meeting will be conducted solely as a webcast and teleconference. 

The subject of the March 6th FWNP Committee meeting will be: Two Perspectives on Amending the 1982 & 1986 Nuclear Waste Policy Acts.  These perspectives will be provided by Jay Silberg, a Partner at Pillsbury, Winthrop, Shaw, Pittman, LLP and Diane Curran, a Partner at Harmon, Curran, Spielberg and Eisenberg, LLP.  

Questions regarding the March 6th FNWP Committee meeting or any other VT NDCAP meeting may be directed to State Nuclear Engineer Tony Leshinskie at

For more information, including how to join the meeting, please see the Press Release regarding the meeting, or visit the VT NDCAP webpage.


VT NDCAP Meeting

The Vermont Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel (VT NDCAP) will hold its fifth and final meeting of 2022 on Monday evening, December 12, 2022, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM.  In addition to receiving updates from NorthStar and Vermont State Agencies regarding recent Vermont Yankee (VY) decommissioning activities, the Panel will consider endorsing recent International Brotherhood of Electrical Worker (IBEW) comments filed in response to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC’s) proposed rules governing nuclear power plant decommissioning.  The Panel will also review and potentially approve its 2022 Annual Report to the Vermont Legislature and Governor.  Lastly, elections for 2023 Panel Officers will be conducted. 

As permitted by ACT 78 of the 2022 Vermont Legislature, this meeting will be conducted solely as a webcast and teleconference via Zoom.  No physical location is designated for this meeting.  This meeting will be recorded for subsequent public review.  Questions regarding access to this meeting may directed to Tony Leshinskie, Vermont State Nuclear Engineer at, or by calling (802) 272-1714.  

For more information, including how to join the meeting, please see the Press Release document, or visit the Vermont Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel (VT NDCAP) webpage.


VT NDCAP Federal Nuclear Waste Policy Committee Meeting

Montpelier, VT – The Federal Nuclear Waste Policy (FNWP) Committee of the Vermont Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel (VT NDCAP) will hold its fifth meeting of 2022 on Monday, December 5, 2022, from 12:00 Noon to 1:30 PM. As permitted by ACT 78 of the 2022 Vermont Legislature, this meeting will be conducted solely as a webcast and teleconference.

See the full press release for further information and webcast instructions. 


NDCAP Federal Nuclear Waste Policy Committee Meeting

Montpelier, VT – The Federal Nuclear Waste Policy (FNWP) Committee of the Vermont Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel (VT NDCAP) will hold its fourth meeting of 2022 on Monday, October 3, from 12:00 Noon to 1:30 PM.  This meeting was originally scheduled for August 22 but was postponed due to an unexpected conflict in the invited speaker’s schedule.  As permitted by ACT 78 of the 2022 Vermont Legislature, this meeting will be conducted solely as a webcast and teleconference. 

Please see the full press release for further information and teleconference link. 


VT NDCAP Meeting


Montpelier, VT – The Vermont Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel (VT NDCAP) will hold its fourth meeting of 2022 on Monday evening, September 19, from 6:00 PM to 8:35 PM.  At this meeting, NorthStar and Vermont State Agencies will provide updates on Vermont Yankee (VY) decommissioning activities.  The Panel’s Federal Nuclear Waste Policy Committee will also provide an update on its recent activities.  Additionally, several forthcoming changes in Panel appointments and administrative items will be discussed.

Please see the press release for further information.


Meeting of NDCAP Federal Nuclear Waste Policy Committee.

Montpelier, VT – The Federal Nuclear Waste Policy Committee (FNWPC) of the Vermont Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel (VT NDCAP) will hold its third meeting of 2022 on Monday, May 23, from 12:00 Noon to 2:00 PM.  This meeting will be conducted primarily as a webcast and teleconference.  However, in accordance with Vermont Open Meeting Law, the following physical location will be available for those wishing to attend this meeting in-person:

First Floor

118 Elliot Street

Brattleboro, VT 05301

Limited parking is available behind the building.  Additional parking is available at the Brattleboro Transportation Center Parking Garage located one block east of the meeting site.  Facemasks are encouraged for all meeting attendees.  Social distancing will be enforced. 

Further information regarding the Committee’s activities to date is available online at the Committee’s webpage.

For further information regarding this meeting and instructions on how to join remotely please see the full press release.

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