Zoom meeting
PSD Announces 5-8-2023 Meeting of VT NDCAP - First Full Panel Meeting For 2023
May 8th Meeting of the Vermont Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel Announced; First Full Panel Meeting for 2023.
Montpelier, VT – The Vermont Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel (VT NDCAP) will hold its first regular meeting of 2023 on Monday evening, May 8th, from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM. At this meeting, NorthStar and Vermont State Agencies will provide updates of recent Vermont Yankee (VY) decommissioning activities. The Vermont State Agencies reports will include discussion of NorthStar’s March 31, 2023 required annual status report for the VY Decommissioning Project. Recent activities of the Panel’s Federal Nuclear Waste Policy Committee will also be discussed.
For more information, including how to join the meeting please see the full press release or visit the VT NDCAP webpage.
Parking Lot Session
The Vermont Department of Public Service is hosting a webinar series to share information and answer questions about Vermont’s current electric system. The webinar series is the first of the public engagement opportunities planned by the Department as part of the process to comprehensively review the state’s renewable and clean electricity policies and programs.
Through the webinars, the Department will explain where Vermont’s electricity comes from, what policies and programs support the use of renewable electricity, and provide information about the process to develop future programs and policies that will further reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The webinars will likely be of interest to ratepayers, energy committee members, students, or anyone who wants to know where the Vermont’s electricity comes from and what policies and programs support renewable electricity. Each topic will be held on two different dates/times.
- Topics: Topics to be covered will be added as we get closer to the date.
- Date, time, & registration:
- Wednesday March 15, 12:00 pm-1:30 pm, register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcod-qspjgiHNPYtFmpbW8ZZ3MJ8u_ttcQv
Current Renewable Electricity Policies
The Vermont Department of Public Service is hosting a webinar series to share information and answer questions about Vermont’s current electric system. The webinar series is the first of the public engagement opportunities planned by the Department as part of the process to comprehensively review the state’s renewable and clean electricity policies and programs.
Through the webinars, the Department will explain where Vermont’s electricity comes from, what policies and programs support the use of renewable electricity, and provide information about the process to develop future programs and policies that will further reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The webinars will likely be of interest to ratepayers, energy committee members, students, or anyone who wants to know where the Vermont’s electricity comes from and what policies and programs support renewable electricity. Each topic will be held on two different dates/times.
- Topics: Current policies and programs including the Renewable Energy Standard, Net-Metering, and the Standard Offer program and how they have helped support renewable electricity to date.
- Dates, times, & registration:
- Tuesday February 14, 12:00 pm-1:30 pm, register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUlc-CgrzwoGdZC6Bix1u5dmAV-ZzRFRI1a
- Wednesday February 15, 6:00 pm-7:30 pm, register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rdOqqrzIvHN2QSK7sqDJw9XPP7h3HSdO2
Where Does Vermont's Electricity Come From?
The Vermont Department of Public Service is hosting a webinar series to share information and answer questions about Vermont’s current electric system. The webinar series is the first of the public engagement opportunities planned by the Department as part of the process to comprehensively review the state’s renewable and clean electricity policies and programs.
Through the webinars, the Department will explain where Vermont’s electricity comes from, what policies and programs support the use of renewable electricity, and provide information about the process to develop future programs and policies that will further reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The webinars will likely be of interest to ratepayers, energy committee members, students, or anyone who wants to know where the Vermont’s electricity comes from and what policies and programs support renewable electricity. Each topic will be held on two different dates/times.
- Topics: How does the electric system get power to our homes and businesses; what electricity is generated in Vermont; what types of resources do Vermont utilities have to purchase to make sure the lights stay on?
- Dates, times, & registration:
- Tuesday January 31, 12:00 pm-1:30 pm, register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvduGhrj8jE9Doq1JiVR6b9l0kKolx7CkI
- Thursday February 2, 6:00 pm-7:30 pm, register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0lduuvqjIpGdH4XS3hR-gLQuck249D4J3d
VT NDCAP Meeting
The Vermont Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel (VT NDCAP) will hold its fifth and final meeting of 2022 on Monday evening, December 12, 2022, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. In addition to receiving updates from NorthStar and Vermont State Agencies regarding recent Vermont Yankee (VY) decommissioning activities, the Panel will consider endorsing recent International Brotherhood of Electrical Worker (IBEW) comments filed in response to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC’s) proposed rules governing nuclear power plant decommissioning. The Panel will also review and potentially approve its 2022 Annual Report to the Vermont Legislature and Governor. Lastly, elections for 2023 Panel Officers will be conducted.
As permitted by ACT 78 of the 2022 Vermont Legislature, this meeting will be conducted solely as a webcast and teleconference via Zoom. No physical location is designated for this meeting. This meeting will be recorded for subsequent public review. Questions regarding access to this meeting may directed to Tony Leshinskie, Vermont State Nuclear Engineer at anthony.leshinskie@vermont.gov, or by calling (802) 272-1714.
For more information, including how to join the meeting, please see the Press Release document, or visit the Vermont Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel (VT NDCAP) webpage.
NDCAP Federal Nuclear Waste Policy Committee Meeting
Please see the full press release for further information and teleconference link.
VT NDCAP Meeting
Montpelier, VT – The Vermont Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel (VT NDCAP) will hold its fourth meeting of 2022 on Monday evening, September 19, from 6:00 PM to 8:35 PM. At this meeting, NorthStar and Vermont State Agencies will provide updates on Vermont Yankee (VY) decommissioning activities. The Panel’s Federal Nuclear Waste Policy Committee will also provide an update on its recent activities. Additionally, several forthcoming changes in Panel appointments and administrative items will be discussed.
Please see the press release for further information.
VT NDCAP Meeting
The Vermont Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel (VT NDCAP) will hold its first regular meeting of 2022 on Monday evening, May 9th, from 6:00 PM to 8:35 PM. At this meeting, NorthStar and Vermont State Agencies will provide updates of recent Vermont Yankee (VY) decommissioning activities. The Vermont State Agencies reports will include assessments of NorthStar’s March 31, 2022, required annual status report for the VY Decommissioning Project.
As permitted by ACT 78 of the 2022 Vermont Legislature, this meeting will be conducted solely as a webcast and teleconference via Zoom. No physical location is designated for this meeting.
For more information about the meeting, including how to join remotely, please see the VT NDCAP webpage or the Press Release regarding the meeting.
Special Meeting of the VT NDCAP
The Vermont Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel (VT NDCAP) will hold a Special Meeting on Monday evening, February 28, 2022, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM to review and potentially approve an Advisory Opinion in response to the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) December 2021 Request for Information (RFI) on using a Consent-Based Siting Process to identify Federal Interim Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Facilities. The Advisory Opinion to be considered was developed by the Panel’s Federal Nuclear Waste Policy Committee (FNWPC).
Further information on the DOE Request for Information is available on the DOE's Consent-Based Siting webpage.
In support of the Advisory Opinion discussion, Drs. Kimberly Petry and Erica Bickford of DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy will brief the Panel on DOE’s current Consent-Based Siting effort for consolidated interim spent nuclear fuel storage. Additionally, Dr. Thomas Webler of the Social and Environment Research Institute will discuss “Challenges and Opportunities of Consent-Based Siting.” Since this Special Meeting will focus on Consent-Based Siting, no NorthStar or state agencies’ reports on recent Vermont Yankee decommissioning activities will be made.
In compliance with Act 78 of the 2022 Vermont Legislature, this Special Meeting will be conducted as a webcast and teleconference via Zoom.
For more information, including the meeting agenda, and how to join the meeting online, please see the Press Release regarding the Special Meeting, or the VT NDCAP webpage.
Questions regarding access to this meeting may be directed to Tony Leshinskie, Vermont State Nuclear Engineer at anthony.leshinskie@vermont.gov or by calling (802) 272-1714.