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Zoom meeting

VT NDCAP Meeting on 12-6-2021

The Vermont Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel (VT NDCAP) will hold its fourth meeting of 2021 on Monday evening, December 6, 2021 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM.  While this meeting will be conducted primarily as a webcast and teleconference, in accordance with Vermont Open Meeting Law, the following physical location will be available for those wishing to attend and participate in person:

Epsilon Spires
Social Engagement Room
190 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301 

In the interests of health and safety, we request that only COVID-19 vaccinated individuals attend this meeting in person.  If you are unvaccinated or feeling ill, please join the meeting via webcast in lieu of attending in person.  Attendees are strongly encouraged to wear face masks.  Social distancing will be enforced.  As part of this enforcement, in-person attendance will be limited to 35 people.

In addition to hearing NorthStar and State agencies’ reports on recent Vermont Yankee decommissioning activities, the Panel will discuss its proposed budget and potential meeting logistics improvements.  Elections of 2022 Panel officers will also be held. The complete agenda for the December 6th meeting is available.

For more information, including how to participate in the meeting online, please see the Press Release regarding the meeting or the VT NDCAP webpage


Online Meeting for Public Input on the VT Comprehensive Energy Plan

Registration is required to participate in this meeting.

​For more information, including links to the Draft 2022 CEP and the Executive Summary, please see the Release of the Draft 2022 Comprehensive Energy Plan webpage.


Online meeting for public input on the VT Comprehensive Energy Plan

Registration is required to participate in this meeting.

​For more information, including links to the Draft 2022 CEP and the Executive Summary, please see the Release of the Draft 2022 Comprehensive Energy Plan webpage.


October Public Meetings Scheduled for the Climate Action Plan

The Department of Public Service is coordinating with the Vermont Climate Council on additional public meetings in October regarding the Climate Action Plan (CAP). Comments from participants can inform both the CAP, under development by the Vermont Climate Council, and the Comprehensive Energy Plan (CEP) being developed by the PSD. CAP public meetings were also scheduled in September (see the Department's calendar for dates, times and locations). 

Please join the Vermont Climate Council by participating in one of the upcoming online public meetings. 

October meeting dates and times are as follows:

  • Tuesday, October 5, 2021, 6-7:30 pm: Virtual event via Zoom for BIPOC communities
  • Wednesday, October 6, 2021, 6-7:30 pm: Virtual event via Zoom

October Public Meetings Scheduled for the Climate Action Plan

The Department of Public Service is coordinating with the Vermont Climate Council on additional public meetings in October regarding the Climate Action Plan (CAP). Comments from participants can inform both the CAP, under development by the Vermont Climate Council, and the Comprehensive Energy Plan (CEP) being developed by the PSD. CAP public meetings were also scheduled in September (see the Department's calendar for dates, times and locations). 

Please join the Vermont Climate Council by participating in one of the upcoming online public meetings. 

October meeting dates and times are as follows:

  • Tuesday, October 5, 2021, 6-7:30 pm: Virtual event via Zoom for BIPOC communities
  • Wednesday, October 6, 2021, 6-7:30 pm: Virtual event via Zoom

Upcoming Public Meeting This Week on the Climate Action Plan

The Department of Public Service is coordinating with the Vermont Climate Council on a series of public meetings in September. Comments from participants can inform both the Climate Action Plan (CAP) under development by the Climate Council and the Comprehensive Energy Plan (CEP) being developed by the PSD. In August 2021, the PSD coordinated with the Climate Council on a series of Technical Workshops focused on electricity, buildings/thermal sector, and transportation.   

Please join the Vermont Climate Council by participating in one of the upcoming public meetings either online or in person. All events are family friendly, free, and open to everyone interested in attending. Food will be provided at all in-person events. In addition, interpretation services may be made available for individuals who register in advance. Please note that in-person events are being held in outdoor pavilions or shelters and will observe COVID-19 safety protocols. All participants in attendance will be asked to wear masks.

Meeting dates, times. and locations are as follows: 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021, 5-7 pm: Elmore State Park Pavilion | 856 VT-12, Elmore, VT
Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 5-7 pm: Emerald Lake State Park Pavilion | 65 Emerald Lake Ln, East Dorset, VT
Thursday, September 23, 2021, 5-7 pm: Lakeside Park Pavilion | 32 Mill St, Island Pond, VT
Sunday, September 26, 2021, 3-5 pm: Airport Park Pavilion | 500 Colchester Point Rd, Colchester, VT
Thursday, September 30, 6-7:30 pm: Virtual event via Zoom

For more information about the meetings, to RSVP, and to attend online, please visit the Department's 2022 Comprehensive Energy Plan webpage or the Vermont Climate Council's Get Involved webpage

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