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Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program

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Latest Updates

The VT-BEAD Full Proposal portal is now open and will close at 11:55pm on April 16, 2025. We have prepared the linked instructions document and training video to assist Prospective Subrecipients with the application process. Please see the VCBB’s ArcGIS Hub for Final Project Area information.

Per the VT-BEAD Initial Proposal Volume 2 and the VT-BEAD Subrecipient Request for Applications, only those entities that submitted a VT-BEAD Pre-proposal are eligible to participate in the Full Proposal round, with the following exceptions program (the Final Project Area data table on the ArcGIS hub will allow you to make these determinations):

  1. The Full Proposal is a Priority Broadband Project for a Final Project Area that received no Priority Broadband Project Pre-proposals.
  2. The Full Proposal is a Priority Broadband Project for a Final Project Area that did receive at least one Priority Broadband Project Pre-proposal, but none of the Prospective Subrecipients that filed Priority Broadband Project Pre-proposals meet the necessary gating criteria upon review of their Full Proposals.
  3. The Full Proposal is not a Priority Broadband Project and is for a Final Project Area that did not receive any Pre-proposals.
  4. The Full Proposal is not a Priority Broadband Project and is for a Final Project Area that did receive at least one Pre-proposal, but none of the Prospective Subrecipients that filed Pre-proposals meet the necessary gating criteria upon filing of their Full Proposals.
  5. A new Final Project Area has been created based on input received during the Pre-proposal phase or during final proposal negotiations. NOTE: Per the Final Project Area data on the VCBB’s ArcGIS Hub, project areas 51-56 meet this criterion.

The VCBB is aware that the BEAD program is under federal review and will keep Prospective Subrecipients apprised of any changes that will affect the Full Proposal process, including changes to scoring. Until any notice from the NTIA, the VCBB will continue to implement the VT-BEAD program in accordance with Vermont’s Initial Proposal.

Linked Instructions

VT-BEAD Permitting Checklist

VT-BEAD Final Project Areas

The VCBB is pleased to share the results from the BEAD pre-proposal process. Nine Prospective Subrecipients submitted 67 requests for modifications to one or more of Vermont's 35 original Initial Project Areas. Please note that some Initial Project Areas were removed because they no longer have any eligible BSLs, and Project Areas 51-56 were newly developed during the pre-proposal process. The VCBB created the resultant 32 Final Project Areas (FPAs) based on specific location modifications that VCBB judged would maximize fiber deployment by incentivizing priority bids and healthy competition.

VT-BEAD Final Project Areas

Full Proposal Review, Scoring, and Negotiation Guide

Now available:

VT-BEAD Full Proposal Review, Scoring, and Negotiation Guide

VT-BEAD Request for Applications (RFA)

This document provides guidance and instructions for all providers seeking to participate in the BEAD program and all Potential Subrecipients should review the document carefully and completely. The VCBB is aware the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) recently released guidance for the BEAD Final Proposal. We will incorporate any required changes based on that guidance.

Note that the RFA refers to a document titled “BEAD Full Proposal Review, Scoring, and Negotiation,” which we are still finalizing and will post as soon as it is available.

VT-BEAD Subrecipient RFA

VT-BEAD Estimated Timeline