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Renewable Energy Standard Reports

The Department of Public Service produces reports on the Renewable Energy Standard (RES) annually as well as a biennial program performance report on all renewable energy programs. The annual report has three components, providing (1) an assessment of the historical costs and benefits of the RES; (2) projected impacts of the RES on electric utility rates, energy and fossil fuel consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions; and (3) an assessment of RES compliance to date. The biennial report, which was first required by statute in 2017, is primarily an informational account of program performance. It addresses retail sales, requirements of the RES, progress toward meeting RES requirements, implementation of the Standard Offer Program, an assessment of energy efficiency, market conditions for renewable energy, and electric rates. See Vermont Statute 30 V.S.A § 8005b for information about the Department's responsibility for reports regarding Renewable Energy Programs in Vermont.
