This page provides background information on the Clean Energy Development Board, its relation to the Clean Energy Development Fund, as well as upcoming meeting agendas and minutes from previous Board meetings.
The Clean Energy Development Board (CEDB) is charged with reviewing and approving the Clean Energy Development Fund's (CEDF) Annual Plan (including program design) & budget, and any updates to the Five Year Strategic Plan. The Department of Public Service is responsible for the day-to-day decisions of the CEDF and for development and presentation to the Board of the Annual Plan (including program design) & budget, and any updates to the Five Year Strategic Plan. Board members are appointed to four year terms and by either the Commissioner of the Department of Public Service (3 members), the Chair of the House Energy and Technology Committee (2 members), or the Chair of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (2 members).
Board Members, Appointing Authority, & Year Term Ends
- David Farnsworth, PSD Commissioner, 2025
- Ken Jones, Senate Energy Committee Chair, 2025
- Johanna Miller, House Energy Committee Chair, 2025
- Cara Robechek, (Chair), PSD Commissioner, 2025
- Sam Swanson, PSD Commissioner, 2027
- Paul Zabriskie, Senate Energy Committee Chair, 2027
- Vacant Position, House Energy Committee Chair, 2027
- (Terms end on June 30th of the year listed)
Board Meetings: Schedule, Agendas, & Minutes
The Clean Energy Development Board (CEDB) meets regularly once a quarter. When needed, special meetings are called. A list of the Board's past and future scheduled meetings is below. All meetings are open to the public and are held remotely (via MS Teams) and at the Department of Public Service on the third floor of the M&T Bank building, 112 State Street in Montpelier. To attend a meeting remotely contact Andrew Perchlik ( or 802-828-4017) for details. As a link from the meeting dates below, agendas are posted at least two days prior to meetings and then replaced with draft minutes within five days after the meeting. Once minutes are approved, they soon thereafter replace the draft minutes as the document linked to the meeting dates. Links to Board documents are under the meeting dates.
- March 18, 1:00 - 3:00
- May 22, 1:00 - 3:00
- June 12, 1:00 - 3:00
- October 23, 1:00 - 3:00
- December 18, 1:00 - 2:00
- March 8, 1 - 3:00 PM
- May 17, 1 - 3:00 PM
- June 14, 1 - 2:00 PM
- June 29, 3 - 4:00 PM
- September 20, 10:00 - Noon
- December 12, 1:00 - 3:00
Draft Fiscal Year 2022 Budgets: CEDF ARRA SSREIP
Draft Fiscal Year 2022 Program Plan & Budget
Hearing on the Development of the Advanced Wood Heating Market in Vermont.
Discussion and possible vote on American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) draft proposed program outlines.
-This PDF is a one-page description of the draft Community-scale Renewable Energy Program for low-income.
-This PDF is a one-page flow-chart of the draft Community-scale Renewable Energy Program for low-income.
-This PDF is a one-page draft outline of how the $5M of ARPA funds could be allocated by the Clean Energy Development Board.
- October 28, 10 - Noon
- Discussion and possible vote on proposed program allocations of the $5M of ARPA funds to be allocated by the Clean Energy Development Board.
- December 9, 2:00 - 4:00
- March 4
- June 1
- July 29
- October 23
- December 16. Included a public comment period on the future of the CEDF.
- January 15
- April 9 - Electric Vehicle Charging Briefing
- April 9
- May 8
- May 14th - 5:30 to 7:00 PM. Public Hearing on FY 15 Program Plan. Location: Brattleboro Union High School. Multi-purpose room.
- June 19
- July 17 10:00 - Noon
- July 25 9:00 am - 10:00 AM
- October 1
- October 22: 4:00 PM
- January 25th
- March 14th
- June 13th
- September 12th
- October 9th
- November 14th Special Meeting on Strategic Plan
- December 12th
- January 20th
- February 24th
- March 17th
- April 28th
- May 26th
- June 30th
- July 12th
- Special Meeting on Solar Tax Credit July 28th
- August 17th
- Special Meeting on Solar Tax Credit August 25th
- September 22nd
- October 27th
- November 17th
- December 15th
Contact the CEDF Director Andrew Perchlik for specific agenda or other meeting information.