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Underground Utility Damage Prevention (UUDP) - Dig Safe ®

Vermont law requires that excavators, utility operators, and individuals, including homeowners, notify Dig Safe® at least 48 hours before excavating on public and private property, rights of ways, and easements. These pages have been assembled to provide additional information to help excavators, homeowners, and utility operators avoid damages, protect personal and public safety, and achieve the perfect excavation. The Department of Public Service vigorously enforces the damage prevention laws and can recommend fines up to $5,000.00 for a violation. Please review and understand the laws and rules before you dig yourself into trouble.

If you have any questions please contact the Department of Public Service. Our contact information can be found on our Contact page

Before Digging You Must

  • Premark the boundaries of your proposed excavation area.
  • Call Dig Safe® [at 811 or 1-888-DIGSAFE (1-888-344-7233)] or visit at least 48 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays) before you begin excavation. Dig Safe® will notify any member companies with utilities in the area who will then come and mark their lines for you. Dig Safe® is a free service.
  • Notify any non-member utilities, such as municipal water and sewer systems or propane operators, of your planned excavation at least 48 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays) in advance.

Reporting Underground Utility Damage

All public utility companies are required to submit an underground facility damage report upon discovery of a damaged facility. This form is required to be submitted by the owner of the facility that was damaged. It is recommended that the excavator also fill out a copy of this form to report utility damages in order to facilitate the investigation process.

Public Utility Companies (Required Reporting)

Step 1. Download, complete, and save to your computer the Underground Facility Damage Report (UFDR) (Printable/Fillable PDF Form). Please be aware that you must download and open the form in Adobe Acrobat (rather than your computer browser) in order to see the required fields highlighted in red. If you try to upload a form without completing all required fields, you will receive an error message telling you which fields to fill in. 

Step 2.  Upload Completed Underground Facility Damage Report (UFDR) PDF Form


Excavators (Optional Reporting)

Excavators are encouraged to also report damage to underground utilities to facilitate the investigation process. Please use the same process as for public utility companies, above.

A free Adobe PDF viewer can be downloaded here.


Training events are faciliated by the Department of Public Service, and Managing Underground Safety Training (MUST).

The next training session by the Department of Public Service is to be determined.


Statutes and Rules

Vermont Statutes

Vermont Public Utility Commission Rules

Engineering Division

For information about the Engineering Division, please see the Divisions webpage.