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Residential Building Energy Standards

On July 1, 2024 the 2024 RBES went into effect and applies to construction commenced on or after that date.

The RBES code book and Handbook are nearing completion and an online "view only" version of the RBES Code Book will be available soon on the International Code Council Website. In the meantime, here is a link to view a draft copy of the 2024 RBES Handbook, and a link to the redline version of the 2024 RBES code language.  [Please Note; the draft RBES Handbook has not been fully copy-edited or formatted and there are likely to be typographical and formatting errors.]  Please contact the Energy Code Assistance Center at 1-855-887-0673 if you have questions about the code provisions or other information in the draft Handbook and code book.

An electronic copy of the finished version 2024 RBES Handbook will be posted on this web page as soon as it is available. Hard copies of the 2024 RBES codebook will be available for purchase through the International Code Council (ICC) in the coming weeks. Until the print version of the code book is available, you can view or download a redline version of the 2024 RBES code language at this link: 2024 RBES Redline v. 5/19/23. Check this page or call the Energy Code Assistance Center, 1-855-887-0673 for status updates on the RBES Codebook and Handbook.   


The Vermont Residential Building Energy Standards (RBES) - 30 V.S.A. § 51 affects all new homes and all additions, alterations and repairs to residential buildings three stories or less above grade in Vermont. 

The 2024 RBES took effect on July 1, 2024, and applies to construction commenced on or after the effective date. RBES applies to all new residential construction, including additions, alterations, renovations, and repairs.  This effective date applies to both the RBES Base code and the RBES Stretch code. The RBES Stretch code is used to satisfy criterion 9(f) of all Act 250 projects.

The 2024 RBES Code Book and Handbook will be available online in the near future. Please check this page for links to those documents. In the meantime, please use the links above for details about the 2024 RBES. 

The 2024 REScheck™ software is currently under development.  Until the 2024 REScheck™ software is published, builders may comply with the 2024 RBES using the REScheck™ software compliance pathway by using the 2020 REScheck​ Software and achieving a total UA value 6% greater than the 2020 RBES compliance threshold. 


RBES 2024 Training Opportunities

RBES 2024 In-Person Trainings

Several in-person trainings took place in the spring of 2024. Many of those have been recorded and posted on the Efficiency Vermont website at the link below. Any additional in-person trainings will be posted on this page and on the Efficiency Vermont website as they are scheduled. 

RBES 2024 Online Trainings


Online trainings for the 2024 RBES are available on demand at this link:

Vermont Residential Building Energy Standards (RBES): Training Series | Efficiency Vermont


2020 Residential Building Energy Standards (RBES)

*Note: if you are having trouble accessing the free viewable version of either RBES online, click on the ICC Digital Codes Library search webpage or go to the ICC Digital Codes Library webpage and search for "Vermont". Then click on "FREE VIEW" under the icon for the 2020 RBES.

2020 RBES Training Videos

Part 1 - Background Information

Part 2 - Code Updates

Online training video from the Energy Code Assistance Center at Efficiency Vermont will be available soon. When they are available, links can be found at the Energy Code Support webpage


2015 Residential Building Energy Standards (RBES)

(For homes built between March 1, 2015, and August 31, 2020.)

*Note: if you are having trouble accessing the free viewable version of either RBES or CBES online, click on this link or go to and search for "Vermont". Then click on "FREE VIEW" under the icon for the 2015 RBES or 2015 CBES.

Hard copies of code materials are available free of charge from the Energy Code Assistance Center (toll free #: 1-855-887-0673).

Energy Code Materials for Homes Built October 1, 2011 -- February 28, 2015

Energy Code Materials for Homes Built January 1, 2005 -- September 30, 2011

Energy Code Material for Homes Built July 1, 1998 -- December 31, 2004

Other Resources

For more information please contact Keith Levenson by email, or 1-802-828-4072, at the Department of Public Service.