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Your Voice Matters: Input for Vermont's 248a Process

The Report on the Process of Siting Telecommunications Facilities Under 30 V.S.A. § 248a has concluded and can be accessed on the legislature website.

The Public Service Department Announces Project Kickoff to solicit input on Telecommunications Facility Siting Process in Vermont

The purpose of Vermont VSA 30 248a is to establish a framework for the process of siting telecommunications facilities in Vermont. The goal is to ensure that the siting of telecommunications facilities is conducted in a manner that is transparent, fair, and responsive to the needs of the community while also considering the development and expansion of telecommunications infrastructure in the state.

The Public Service Department in collaboration with the Public Utility Commission is pleased to announce the initiation of a study aimed at seeking input on the siting process for telecommunications facilities in Vermont. The Public Service Department will present the report to the Senate Committee on Finance and the House Committee on Environment and Energy regarding the process of siting telecommunications facilities under 30 V.S.A. § 248a.

As telecommunications technology advances and cell phone usage becomes more ubiquitous in everyday life it has become increasingly important to address the issue of engagement around siting new telecommunications facilities. The focus of this report will be on ways to facilitate public and municipal engagement in the siting process.

We have created a survey for the public to share its input and participate in the 248a process. Please fill out the Section 248a Public Input survey to provide your comments.

We will be reaching out to other interested parties, as well as municipalities via the Vermont League of Cities and Towns to solicit additional input on the process from their perspective.

To sign up for a mailing list and receive further updates about how to submit your feedback please visit the 248a Input List Signup webpage.

For additional information about the 248a process please see A Guide to the § 248a Process for the Siting and Deployment of Telecommunications

Thank you for working with us to improve the 248a telecommunications facility siting process.